The universe is a funny place. Sometimes it can really take a dump on your head. Other days, you wake up to the sun beaming rays upon your face and you know the skies have something good in store for you.
For those days when the sun just will not shine… it becomes imperative to draw up even more inspiration and creativity than on those mornings when everything just seems right to begin with.
You are forced to search for it, whereas sometimes you just FEEL it. It is just there, granting your every wish.
The cursor stares at you, screaming for you to finish up the project that you have barely started because your inspiration is lacking to a level whereupon your fingertips won’t even type a line of bullshit. You find yourself struggling even while your ultimate goal is less than five hundred words. What is that all about?!
Well, it’s about not clearing your mind. Allowing the story to form as you write. The story is in your head, but you can’t possibly get it all out at once. Depending of course, on how fast you type and how fast you think.
You have been staring at this particular page for going on five hours now and you’ve got less than three hundred words, even while all you are trying to achieve is the aforementioned five hundred. What seems to be the problem? Five whole hours and not done?! Something is not right.
Let go of your inhibitions. Just write what falls out of your fingertips while not thinking about anything at all. That should get something done. Even if they are not the words you thought originally intended, usually, they have more than something to do with your thesis point. Somewhere along the line you may feel the need to arrange things better. In the meantime, blossoms are appearing in front your eyes. The sun is starting to shine and the clouds are drifting away.
Now go get a shower and get that shit off your head.