Saturday, April 4, 2015

Keep Writing

“The first draft of anything is shit!” - this quoted by the late, great Ernest Hemingway.  What an inspiration to us all.  Ernest that is - and his quote.  Many of them in fact.

I said “Continue forth”  in a recent quote to a fellow writer.  He had just started the first draft of his first story only hours before.  When asked whether or not I thought it was good - I told the truth.  It WAS good and it WILL be better!  

It’s all about perspective.  The same old adage, it’s so worn out is it not? - Is the glass half full or half empty?  Well…. it IS half FULL of course!

Should this apply to every scenario, however? - For the writer, yes!  It is imperative that the writer continuously view his or her work as priceless from the beginning.  Shit as it may be.  There is precise reasoning behind this.  It is a masterpiece in disguise.  Art can be made out of anything.  Dare I say it, well, yes, including Shit.

Herein, one must recognize the story waiting to be told even where the bullshit piles up.  Either in your thoughts or on your paper.  Once you can remember to remind yourself that every word thought up is important enough to write down - you will continue to write.  This again, is the key to any good writer as any good writer will say - keep writing.  Every day.  Set the time of day that works best for you, may it be only five minutes?  okay - do it for five minutes at six o’ clock each night.  Whence Upon a time comes when you may feel that you need to dedicate more time to the craft, you will.  

In the meantime, write it down.  It is NOT too blended and so what if the main character has blond hair today and black hair tomorrow.  Perhaps she has a doppleganger after all?  You just don’t know it yet because you haven’t written everything down.

Keep Writing - the rest of the story needs to be told.



  1. April,

    This advice is so helpful. I have been holding back quite a bit on my fiction writing because I am waiting for the perfect words and characters. I often start and stop. I am going to start to write a little each day and take your advice. Drafts serve a purpose! Well written entry.

    1. Dana - I'm so glad this reached someone, anyone... and furthermore that it benefits you.
      Thanks for the comment.
